

A medium-sized, mixed-breed Shiba with small expressive eyes. Found by the young Toru as a lost puppy on a mountain road, he was raised by the Endo family in their backyard, given food, shelter and plenty of love and care. When the family is forced to evacuate after the disaster, he decides to journey back home to find Toru.


A large female, wolf-like mixed-breed with white fur, a pointed snout and hardened gaze. Inui is one of the few remaining survivors of a dwindling pack of stray dogs living in the wilderness. When construction zones destroy their habitat, pushing them further into the forests, she grows a deep resentment towards humankind – as well as towards their pet dogs. After the disaster, Inui leads her pack into the deserted town to reclaim the territory.

Toru Endo

Toru is an only child to middle-class parents, raised in Futaba, Fukushima. At 13, after some minor trouble with his teammates in the baseball club, he quits and becomes slightly withdrawn. He shares an unspoken bond with Kiva. When the disaster hits, he is devastated to leave Kiva behind, and struggles to find his place of belonging.

Ken Endo

Late 40s, Toru’s father. Works for Town Hall. While he and Toru used to be close, he feels their bond has gotten strained recently. During the evacuation, Ken takes on the role of helping organize to keep the residents calm. He grows frustrated with Toru amidst this when he behaves selfishly.

Kaori Endo

Late 40’s, Toru’s mother. Kaori is a web designer that builds website for the local companies. Open-hearted and direct, Kaori sometimes acts more like a big sister than Mother to Toru. Toru is able to open up to Kaori, as she takes her time to understand him without judgement.


Masao is a temperamental farmer, deeply involved with the town’s community and the land surrounding it. He is politically outspoken – especially against the government’s destruction of nature. He is passionate about fostering the harmonic relationship between humankind and wildlife, and singlehandedly takes on the responsibility of caring for dozens of helpless farm animals left behind after the disaster.


A rare Japanese Tosa-breed approaching his later years. Formerly raised as a fighting dog, Butchi was adopted by Masao after being badly injured and forced to retire. He spent his later years living alongside Masao, helping to herd and protect the farm animals.


Toru’s neigbourhood friend, late 20’s. Niki is a hair dresser who commutes to the nearby city. With few friends, and with her unique fashion sense, she doesn’t fit in in the town – which is a conservative area in the countryside. She gets along with Toru, as Kiva and her beloved dog, Cruz, are close. Despite the way Niki looks, she is very careful and meticulous about raising her dog.


Cruz is a local Akita-breed champion, raised lovingly by Niki. Cruz is Kiva’s closest friend and confidante. He will share the first part of the journey and lead the pack with Kiva. Playing the role of a class-A pet dog, he is prideful and extremely loyal to his owner. He doesn’t get along with Princess.


A female wolf-like stray, Lama is similar to Inui, but smaller. She is a unit leader in Inui’s pack, and is intent on finding other missing tribe members. She searches for them in the middle of night using her senses, and a distinct call. One evening, she finds Kiva walking into her sight.


A female stray cat with an explosive personality. She helps Kiva find his way to the town, along with his pack. She has a secret past that she doesn’t share with anyone. Filled with pride for her role as a stray cat, she doesn’t get along with Cruz.


A male wild dog, Skinny appears small and skinny but is dangerously vicious. He can be a very cold commander, capable of emotionlessly killing other dogs outside his tribe. He also has the same mark as Kiva and Lama on his forehead.